That Cold You Have This Winter Might Be Because Of Mold.

If you have had a cold this winter season you will certainly recognize many of the symptoms – coughing, congestion, stuffy or runny nose, fever and headache. But, many, if not all of these symptoms could be because of mold exposure. It is really very important that you have your property tested by a specialist. Whether it’s a Certified Industrial Hygienist or Certified Mold Inspector, it really is necessary.

One of the tell-tale signs of mold exposure is if your entire family becomes sick at one time yet you all feel better when you are outside the home. If this is the case you might have a plumbing leak or roof leak that has caused water damage which in turn has led to the growth of toxic mold. Another scenario is if you have a faulty HVAC system which is dispersing mold spores, in a closed environment, while the heat is being run 24/7.

Even though it might be cold outside, with your heater running inside, you have created the perfect environment for mold to grow. Do not think that just because it is winter that mold cannot grow. Mold does not know the seasons. With the heater running you are spreading mold throughout the house like wildfire.

If you believe that you have suffered symptoms due to mold exposure, call a professional to have the property tested for fungus. Then, call the Law Office of Harold D. Thompson for a free case evaluation or visit us at our website at

About the Author
Anthony D. Thompson joined his father in the practice of law in 2004. Prior to his legal education, Anthony worked in Los Angeles in the field of multimedia entertainment. He also co-founded his own company based on wireless/satellite mapping solutions.