If you or a loved one has suffered an illness or injury due to an environmental hazard on private or public property in San Diego, turn to Thompson Injury Law. Our environmental claims attorney has extensive experience negotiating and litigating claims arising from:
- Toxic mold
- Lead poisoning
- Asbestos exposure
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
- Legionnaires’ disease
- Pest infestation (e.g., cockroaches, bedbugs)
Our legal team has comprehensive knowledge of the legal, medical, and scientific issues involved in environmental claims and will work to get you just compensation. We offer free consultations and will charge no attorneys’ fees until we recover for you. Contact our office today to get started with an experienced environmental claims lawyer.
Toxic Mold & Other Environmental Claims in San Diego
Toxic mold exposure can result in serious health problems, including respiratory ailments, sinus infections, asthma, and allergic reactions. We handle toxic mold claims involving:
- Construction defects
- Homeowner’s associations
- Nursing home exposure
- School/daycare center exposure
- Workplace exposure
Whether you suffered a toxic mold-related illness in a building or home you rent or own or another property, we have the skills to identify the responsible party and the determination to hold them accountable.
Protecting Children and Families From Lead Poisoning in San Diego
Lead poisoning results from lead building up in the body over time – even low levels can be dangerous. The consequences can be devastating for young children and may result in severe mental and physical impairments. But lead also poses a danger to adults.
Lead-based paint and contaminated dust in older buildings can harm children. There are traces of lead in the water pipes of homes, apartment buildings, and schools. Lead contamination is also in the air, soil, and water. Adults are typically exposed in the workplaces, such as auto repair shops, in home improvement contracting, or when working with batteries.
Lead poisoning can be hard to detect, and symptoms may not be apparent until dangerous levels have accumulated in the body. Children often experience symptoms such as:
- Developmental delays
- Learning difficulties
- Sluggishness
- Fatigue
Signs of lead poisoning in adults include:
- High blood pressure
- A decline in mental functioning
- Miscarriage or premature birth
The environmental claims attorneys at Thompson Injury Law regularly handle complex lead poisoning cases. By collaborating with scientific and medical experts, we work to identify the source of lead poisoning in children and adults and work to hold negligent parties accountable.
Asbestos Exposure Environmental Claims
Asbestos is a fibrous, naturally occurring mineral once widely used in construction, insulation, building materials, and shipyards. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has substantially restricted the use of asbestos because it is a known carcinogen. Common asbestos-related illnesses include:
- Mesothelioma
- Lung cancer
- Ovarian cancer
- Laryngeal cancer
- Colon cancer
- Stomach cancer
- Pharyngeal cancer
- Kidney cancer
- Asbestosis
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Workers most likely at risk of asbestos exposure include construction workers, steel workers, demolition workers, pipe-fitters, laborers, asbestos insulators, automobile or heavy machinery mechanics, and railroad workers. Family members are also at risk through secondhand exposure.
If you are suffering from an asbestos-related disease, our environmental claims attorneys can help. You can depend on us to gather evidence and establish facts related to your asbestos exposure and enlist medical experts to evaluate your medical condition and provide testimony about the cause and extent of your injuries. Above all, we will fight to win you the compensation that considers all your medical and financial needs.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Exposure to carbon monoxide gas can lead to poisoning, sudden illness, or death. Dangerous levels of carbon monoxide can build up indoors and go undetected until it’s too late. Common sources include:
- Furnaces or boilers
- Gas stoves and ovens
- Fireplaces (gas and wood burning)
- Water heaters
- Clothes dryers
- Wood stoves
- Power generators
- Motor vehicles
- Power tools and lawn equipment
Common symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include:
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Weakness
- Vomiting
- Chest pain
- Confusion
If you or a loved one has been the victim of carbon monoxide poisoning, the environmental claims attorneys at Thompson Injury Law can help. We will investigate the cause of the exposure, identify the parties responsible for causing your injury, and help you recover just compensation.
San Diego Legionnaires’ Disease Injury Attorney
Legionnaires’ Disease can result in illness and death if left untreated. According to the CDC, the disease is caused by Legionella, a bacterium typically found in natural environments where moisture and water are prevalent, including lakes, rivers, and streams. The risk of infection from these sources is practically non-existent.
However, the bacteria becomes a potential health concern when it grows in man-made building water systems, infecting people. The bacteria spread when individuals inhale small water particles produced by these systems.
Examples of these dangerous water supplies include:
- Cooling towers
- Fountains and water features
- Hot tubs
- Humidifiers
- Large plumbing systems
- Misters
- Showerheads and sink faucets
- Water tanks and heaters
Anyone can contract Legionnaires’ Disease, however certain individuals are at a higher risk, such as:
- Older people
- Organ transplant recipients
- Those with underlying medical issues (e.g. diabetes, respiratory disease)
- Individuals with weakened immune systems due to HIV or cancer
- Heavy smokers
- Those who abuse alcohol
In any event, negligence is the main culprit for Legionnaires’ Disease and can be avoided through proper, scheduled maintenance and cleaning. If you have been diagnosed with Legionnaires’ Disease, our experienced San Diego environmental claims attorney can help you recover damages for your injuries and losses.
Holding San Diego Landlords Accountable for Pest Infestation
Bedbugs and other pests are not a mere nuisance; an infestation can cause significant damage, such as physical harm from bedbug bites and destroyed personal property. Under California law, landlords must maintain rental properties in habitable condition. Landlords can be liable for bed bug infestations if they:
- Failed to take reasonable steps to prevent a bed bug infestation
- Had actual or constructive knowledge of a bed bug infestation and failed to resolve it
If your landlord’s negligence caused you harm, you deserve compensation.
Contact Our Experienced San Diego Environmental Claims Attorney
At Thompson Injury Law, we work to protect victims of environmental hazards and hold responsible parties accountable. The sooner you contact our office, the sooner we can start working on your environmental claim.
Thompson Injury Law handles environmental claim cases all around the San Diego metropolitan area; this includes areas such as Carlsbad, Chula Vista, El Cajon, Encinitas, Escondido, La Mesa, National City, Oceanside, San Marcos, Santee, and Vista.