Lead in the home, including lead that may be present in rental properties, poses a significant risk to residents’ health and well-being. With its aging housing stock and the corresponding potential presence of lead-based paint, California faces challenges with respect to these possibly dangerous conditions. By understanding the sources and health...
Category: Lead Poisoning
Checking Your Water Pipes to Make Sure They’re Safe for Your Home
Although increased awareness about the dangers of lead has been on the rise for decades, many California residents continue to be at risk of poisoning from this toxic metal. Lead is a potent neurotoxin, and exposure to high concentrations can result in catastrophic health complications and even death.
How Much Compensation Can I Claim for My Lead Poisoning Case?
Lead poisoning is a terrifying ailment, made even more horrible by the fact that it is entirely avoidable. All too often, lead poisoning is a direct result of negligence. Unfortunately, knowing that it is someone else’s fault doesn’t help when you are suffering from it and need financial help.