Construction Defect Mold Lawyer
As a construction defect mold Lawyer in San Diego, the answer is rather simple. Mold and water damage is not necessarily a construction defect but rather a by-product of a defect. When a portion of the home or condominium has been improperly constructed, water damage can intrude into the home. This water damage leads to toxic mold and other dangerous environmental contaminants like bioaerosols and musty odors.
While the possible construction defects themselves may be too numerous to list, we have encountered, in our over 40 years as construction defect lawyers, certain patterns that lead to water damage and mold growth. For example:
- Improperly Installed Roof
- Defective Plumbing and Leaks
- Poor Exterior Waterproofing
- Improperly Installed Appliances (Dishwasher, Refrigerator, etc.)
- Lack of Foundation Moisture Barrier
- Poor Landscape Grading
- Defective Landscape Irrigation
As construction defect mold lawyers these are just a few of the examples we see. Because of this, you have a claim against the builder, contractor and sub-contractors for your damages due to mold in your home. Don’t think there is nothing you can do. You have rights. Not only must the responsible parties pay for the remediation and elimination of the toxic mold but also compensate you for personal injury, out of pocket expenses, lost wages, loss of use and pain & suffering.
There are numerous examples of these types of situations, and a few of these might be helpful to consider. One situation is a slow plumbing leak inside the walls or under the slab of a home. The slow and constant release of moisture over a long period of time provides a perfect medium for mold, and the colony may grow large without being visible. The manifestation of mold on the outside of the wall may indicate a massive amount of mold inside the wall. In this type of case, self-help might be futile. Even if a plumber repairs the leak and the area dries up, the mold will potentially become airborne and may cause health problems for the residents.
Keep in mind though, construction defect claims are governed by the same rules as other civil cases. Most importantly is the statute of limitations. If you do not file your claim in time you may be barred from bringing a suit at all. Then all your damages from the defects will go uncompensated. Failure to investigate a known or reasonable issue will not stop the statute. You must act reasonably.
Consequently, it is imperative you call one of the construction defect mold lawyers at Thompson Injury Law. Since 1976 our team of award-winning San Diego mold lawyers has been fighting for the rights of victims who have been exposed to mold and other environmental contaminants. Call our office today at 619.615.0767 for a free confidential consultation.