Board of Equalization Building Closes Due To Mold Concerns

In Sacramento, the Board of Equalization was closed because of a pipe burst. The pipe lead to the flooding of the entire first floor. All California state workers were given two days of paid leave while the water was being cleaned up. Before the flood, workers had been repairing a pipe when a valve malfunctioned.

During the clean-up, city workers noticed mold growing on the insider of the walls. They also found mold that had clearly been there prior to the flood.

This is not the first time the Board of Equalization building has experienced issues with mold. In fact, the top three floors of the building have been vacated for more than a year because of toxic mold. Also, about a year before, a pipe burst on the 11th floor.

The City believes that the remediation will be complete in one week.

If you suspect that your workplace has been infected with mold, call the Law Office of Harold D. Thompson today for a fee case evaluation. 619.615.0767

About the Author
Anthony D. Thompson joined his father in the practice of law in 2004. Prior to his legal education, Anthony worked in Los Angeles in the field of multimedia entertainment. He also co-founded his own company based on wireless/satellite mapping solutions.